Is it wrong for you to like and listen to R&B, Neo-Soul, Rock, Hip-Hop and any other genre of music if it isn’t about Jesus? This is the position that I was presented with early in my Christian walk and many are still proponents of that school of thought. For years I would look at anyone that claimed Christ and didn’t listen to gospel music as an ‘Unsaved Hypocrite’. Over the years my views have changed as I have dived deep into scripture and began to gain a deeper understanding of the gospel. While I’m not rigid in my approach to music I do think that we need to be wise in what we listen to and aware of our motives for embracing certain styles of music with questionable content.

The Urban Perspective: Is all Secular Music Sinny, Sin, Sin? from Jerome Gay on Vimeo.

To all my music lovers. Check out today’s vlog and talk back to me.

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